What Information Will You Need When I Schedule My First Appointment?


When you call to schedule your first appointment our Business Office staff will ask you for the following information:

  • Demographic Information: name of caller, name of possible client, date of birth, home address, and telephone number.
  • Education Information: grade, school
  • Referral Source: How did you hear about CCOEA?
  • Counselor preference: Male or Female LPC-Intern, LPC, LMFT
  • Reason for seeking counseling
  • Insurance phone number (MH/Customer Service)
  • Appointment Availability: day and time best suited for you

If the client is a child (ages 2-18) our staff will ask you for the following information:

  • Are parents divorced?
  • Who has custody?
  • Copy of most recent divorce decree (custody explanations) is required
  • Insurance Information:
  • Sponsor’s name
  • Sponsor’s ID No.
  • Sponsor’s date of birth
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